Urban Gin is a New York based gin company that strives to solve the problem of a gap in the U.S gin market of differing unique flavours that are complimented in a mixed drink or cocktail. The flavors are inspired and based on the boroughs of NYC. I worked on packaging design and marketing strategy.
Diptyque is a luxury fragrance, candle, and skincare brand. I design email newsletters and Google Ad banners.
Project Date
Nov 2019 - current
Team up with Indie gives everyday beauty lovers the opportunity to discover and buy products hand-selected by a network of content creators from a collection of brands showcased at the Indie Beauty Expo (IBE). I worked on website design.
Sobel Skin Rx is a dermatologist developed skincare brand that takes anti-aging to the next level. It launched in Sephora in December of 2019. The products contain some of the highest concentrations of anti-aging ingredients on the market to make you look, feel and act younger. I designed the website and continue to create assets for emails and social media posts on a month basis.
steven birnbaum bridal
Steven Birnbaum is a bespoke bridal collection with a modern day approach, classic styles, and couture experience. I worked on website redesign.
steven birnbaum bridal
Steven Birnbaum is a bespoke bridal collection with a modern day approach, classic styles, and couture experience. I worked on website redesign.
Sobel Skin Rx is a dermatologist developed skincare brand that takes anti-aging to the next level. It launched in Sephora in December of 2019. The products contain some of the highest concentrations of anti-aging ingredients on the market to make you look, feel and act younger. I designed the website and continue to create assets for emails and social media posts on a month basis.
Team up with Indie gives everyday beauty lovers the opportunity to discover and buy products hand-selected by a network of content creators from a collection of brands showcased at the Indie Beauty Expo (IBE). I worked on website design.
Diptyque is a luxury fragrance, candle, and skincare brand. I design email newsletters and Google Ad banners.
Project Date
Nov 2019 - current
Urban Gin is a New York based gin company that strives to solve the problem of a gap in the U.S gin market of differing unique flavours that are complimented in a mixed drink or cocktail. The flavors are inspired and based on the boroughs of NYC. I worked on packaging design and marketing strategy.